The Line Between Two Designs

The next step to try a different interpretation of what I am doing, before I get really deep into the code I need to state which direction I want to go in, either working the particles like the plan has always been or delving into something else, working with lines rather than dots or maybe even something completely different. Options being numbers or playing around with size of the letters, not like before, in turns of absolutely massive or really tiny. I will have to prepare myself whether lighting will have a big effect on the sizes and if this could effect the distance the camera could see.

10906287_10204886449954306_241422977948094300_nI’ll just get straight into trying out the lines, code used below –v–

String letterOrder =
"-__--__==__--__==__--__==__--__==__--__==__--__==__--__==__--__==" ;
char[] letters;

Using equals signs and similar line shapes I have replaced all the zeros, here are the results –v–Screen Shot 2015-01-25 at 21.41.48Yes! That is just a black screen!

There is obviously a problem here….

Doing further insight into what’s gone wrong here and not having any errors the problem is with density; the letters need to have a curtain density for them to placed onto the screen. The problem with using lines and lets which are very thin is the density of the symbols isn’t computed by the code leading to the blank screen.

Because I have come across this problem I am going to mess about a bit with the code and see what I come up with.


PFont font;
float fontSize = 3;

Increasing the size of the font the 3, usually being 1.5 you can see that the size of the letters is cause a bigger confrontation with each other dismantling the image and making it look quite (inaway) pixelated.

I not sure if I really like this effect, it has quite a lot of lag which is shame and does portray my concept to it’s full degree.


String letterOrder =
" .`-_':,;^=+/"|)\<>)iv%xclrs{*}I?!][1taeo7zjLu" +
char[] letters;

reversed particles

This is the reverse of the one before; having the particle on the inside, to do this I used what I learnt about density in the letters and made the top like of letters all lines and the bottom line ‘O’s’, creating what is above.

String letterOrder =
"------------------------------------------------" +
char[] letters;

 Here I have kept the top line of text which has worked out quite well for me; the way the pixels are reacting to my body shape and the outside if very similar to one of the drawings I have.

10419987_10204886438634023_5063957941942802546_nHere I was trying to show the difference I want between the body and what’s outside the body, and with the size of the text and the way code is laid out in the form of letter density order it has resulted in the main focus being what’s happening outside of the structure. Another thing I have noticed is the way the shade black doesn’t have any letters, it is a completely blank space when on camera. When I move my body the letters (particles) react in such away that it show’s what is happening when the motion takes place, even if it can’t be seen the camera is showing it, exactly what my concept is.

The Next Step

I want to make the particles clearer, giving the image more clarity and nicer imagery. My next step of experimentation is to mess about with the colour attributes and how the particles are represented.

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